

By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
History of Easter
Eggs - where do they come from and why?
- Introduction -
getting started
- Helping - get involved and
get credit.
- Awards - this section has
won many awards on it's own.
- Egging - going on your own
System Eggs
Control Panel Eggs
Extension Eggs
Think of these as things that add functionality to the
system, and have parts in many places (they include control
panels, extensions, applications).
Programming / Toolbox Eggs
- CopyrightTrap -
PowerPC Copyright Trap has a surprise
- Gestalt - everything
all inclusive
- InsideMac - some
Docuementation Eggs
- Mickey - Disney
- MPW - Apple's Mac
Programmers Workshop's humorous errors.
- ResEdit - PigMode and
- Script.h - the Mac
supports many languages, including Klingon
- Traps.h - Leftover
Toolbox traps are defined
Utility Eggs
Computer Hardware Eggs
- Lowest Levels -
Really hidden stuff! Like a sword etched into the
- Stolen from Apple -
where's waldo (the icon) - Mac Plus, MacSE, MacSE/30,
MacIIx, MacIIcx,
- Sounds - Startup
Sounds and Death Chimes
- Mac128k / 512k / 512ke / Plus /
SE - case etching
- Mac Portable
(Luggable) - case etching
- MacIIcx & IIci -
case etching?
- Pre-MacPlus ROMs -
- Early ROMs - Initials
& Date
- PowerMac ROMs -
Hidden Credits
- Drive Info - even the
disk drive characters have hidden meanings
- SE/30 - "What are you
staring at?", and other small gems.
- IIci - product team, What
are you staring at?
- IIsi - What are you
staring at?
- IIfx - product team
- Classic - Command-X-O
ROM Disk Boot
- LCIII - Hidden ROM
- LC520 - Hidden ROM
- Performa 630 -
Hidden ROM messages
- Performa 6115 -
Unusual hidden ROM messages
- Quadras (700, 900, 950,
more?) - Hidden images
- 840AV (660AV?) - Secret
images and messages
- PowerMac 7100 - images and
CUDA chip
- PowerMac 7500 - hidden
message in lowmem?
- PowerMac 9500 - hidden
message in lowmem?
- PowerMac (PCI) - Secret
ROM Image (7.5.2)
- Powerbook 170 - Hidden
ROM messages
- Powerbook 190, 1400, 2300,
5300, PPC Upgraded PB500 - really hidden images
- Powerbook 500 - Hidden
- Duos (Docks) - Hidden
- AppleII's - all the
Apple][ easter eggs
- Newton - all the
eggs for the defunct but premier PDA.
- eMate - list of which Newton
Eggs work
Peripheral Eggs
CD Eggs