

Join Mac Webmasters, the
forum for people who manage Mac-related web sites.
The following questions are addressed.
- What is the purpose of Mac
- Who sponsors Mac Webmasters?
- Is Mac Webmasters only for
- How does an email list work and what is
- How do you subscribe to Mac
- How can I remove my name from Mac
- Who is on the list?
- How can I get a copy of the e-mail
addresses on the list?
- What topics may be discussed?
- I subscribed, but get no messages.
What's up?
- What other resources are
available to Mac Webmasters?
- A few words before
1. What is the purpose of Mac
- Mac Webmasters exists as a forum for people who
manage Macintosh-related web
sites. This is a place to discuss banner
exchanges, ad rates, and how to collect from difficult
sponsors. Mac Webmasters is about the business of
managing and promoting Mac web sites.
- If you are not involved in running a
Macintosh-related site, please don't subscribe to this
2. Who sponsors Mac Webmasters?
- Low End Mac ([email protected])
sponsors Mac Webmasters, which was started in February
1998. The list is managed on a Macintosh IIsi running
3. Is Mac Webmasters only for
- This list is for webmasters and others involved in
creating and maintaining Mac-related web sites. There are
currently a couple hundred subscribers.
4. How does an email list work and what is
- Mac Webmasters is a closed list: only subscribers may
post. You subscribe using the administrative mailing
address ([email protected])
with command subscribe Webmasters YourName (your
name is optional). Subscribers will receive a copy of
every message sent to the posting address ([email protected]).
If you wish to respond, post, or otherwise have your
message sent to everyone on the list, send email, either
by replying the message to which you are responding or
sending a new one, to [email protected].
- The list management program is set up so selecting
"Reply" in your emailer will send a message to the entire
list. If you wish to respond individually to the sender
of the message, be sure to address your message
accordingly. There should be no need to copy messages to
both the author and the list.
- There are informal rules of the internet which are
termed "netiquette" to help people use proper etiquette
within this form of communication. Some examples of poor
netiquette are not to signing messages, unsubscribing by
sending mail to the posting address instead of the
administrative address, or TYPING IN ALL CAPS (which is
considered yelling). This is a dynamic environment and
netiquette is changing rapidly.
- Some informal rules for this list
- Remember that replies automatically go to the
entire list. To respond to an individual, see the
directions for your email software.
- Never send attachments to the list.
- Please quote only the relevant portion of messages
you respond to -- and please quote some of the
original message so others know what you're responding
- Please keep "me too" and "agreed" messages off the
list; these are best sent privately.
- When responding to a digest post, please change
the subject to match that of the original
- Signature lines (sigs)
- Please keep sigs concise, preferably 6 lines or
- Macjordomo is set to wrap lines at 80
characters, so check that your sig won't wrap badly
because of this. (Just look at your posts to see if
this is a problem.)
- Please do not post news releases, although
brief announcements are fine.
- Treat your list neighbor as you wish to be
treated. Address breaches of netiquette privately, not
on the list. Assume the best, not the worst.
5. How do you subscribe to Mac
- Send e-mail to [email protected]
- The subject line is ignored, but the text of the
message should read:
subscribe Webmasters
- To switch from individual messages to the daily
digest, send e-mail to [email protected].
Your message should read:
set Webmasters digest
- If you have any problems switching modes, please
email me at <[email protected]>.
6. How can I remove my name from Mac
- Send e-mail to [email protected]
with the following text in the body of the message:
unsubscribe Webmasters
- If you have any problems unsubscribing, please email
me at <[email protected]>.
7. Who is on the list?
- Because the list software requires an e-mail address
but not a name, I may not have names of all subscribers
on the list.
- There are currently 230 subscribers.
8. How can I get a copy of the e-mail
addresses on the list?
- You can't. To communicate with the list, send
messages to the posting address.
9. What topics may be discussed?
- Anything relating to managing a Mac-related web site.
Mac Webmasters is an unmoderated closed list. Unmoderated
means messages are sent to the list without prior
knowledge of the listmom. Closed means only subscribers
may post messages.
10. I subscribed, but get no
messages. What's up?
- It is possible to successfully subscribe with an
incorrect email address. If you subscribe successfully,
you will receive a reply from the list management
software. If no such message arrives, your subscription
had a problem (usually a type on the email address).
- I check all bounced messages to determine why they
bounced. If the address is invalid, I delete it from the
subscriber list. If the problem is temporary, like a full
mailbox, I'll keep the address on the list.
- Some bounces are caused by overzealous ISPs
attempting to filter spam. In those cases, I will try to
contact both the subscriber and the postmaster to point
out the problem. It is a good idea for you to contact
your ISP in such a case, letting them know this is
legitimate email, not spam, and asking them to please let
it through.
- Of course, since there's a problem with the email
address, there may be no way I can contact you to tell
you of the problem. :-(
11. What other resources are
available to Mac Webmasters?
- This whole section offers resources, and links to
other resources. Hopefully that will help you get
12. A few words before
- Be sure the return address on your browser or email
program is correct. All it takes is one tiny little typo
and we can't get messages to you. If you do not receive a
confirmation email, your subscription did not take.
- Several email providers have implemented anti-spam
filters, some of which filter out messages from this
list. I will contact your email provider after the first
bounce, requesting they let future messages through. I
will also cc: the message to you.
- The mail server is set to stop sending a message
after trying for 24 hours, so if your email provider is
down for more than 24 hours, you may miss some
- If you don't manage a Mac-related web site, you may
subscribe to the list, but remember that the focus is the
Mac-related site.
Dan Knight, listmom
[email protected]
Other Mac-related Lists