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Who's who at Netscape?

Netscape Communications Corporation
501 E. Middlefield Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
650/937-2555 Product and sales information, corporate customers
650/937-3777 Product and sales information, individual consumers
650/937-3678 Government Sales
650/254-1900 Executive offices
650/528-4124 Fax

Jim Clark,

Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors - 4/94.

Formerly founder and chairman of the board for Silicon Graphics.

Associate professor at Stanford University.

BS and MS in physics from Louisiana State University, Ph.D in computer science from the University of Utah.

Jim Barksdale, Netscape Info

President and Chief Executive Officer - 1/95.

Formerly CEO of ATT Wireless Services.

President and chief operating officer of McCaw.

Chief information officer, executive vice president and chief operating officer with Federal Express Corporation.

BA from the University of Mississippi.

Marc Andreessen,

Co-founder and Executive Vice President, Products - 4/94.

Developed the NCSA Mosaic browswer prototype as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois in Champaign.


  • Web Review, Girding for Microsoft's Onslaught, ??/97

BS in computer science from the University of Illinois.

Noreen Bergin,

Vice President, Finance and Corporate Controller - 11/95.

Formerly Vice President, Finance, and Corporate Controller of Frame Technology Corporation

Corporate Controller for Boole & Babbage.

BA from Santa Clara University.

Peter Currie,

Chief Administrative Officer - 4/95.

Formerly executive vice president of corporate development and chief financial officer of McCaw Cellular Communications.

Principal in the Investment Banking Division's Media and Communications Group at Morgan Stanley & Co.

BA from Williams College, MBA from Stanford University.

Larry Geisel,

Senior Vice President, Information Systems, and Chief Information Officer - 3/96.

Formerly Executive Vice President, Global Solutions Delivery, for Xerox Corporation.

Division Director and Director of Systems Integration and Planning at the Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC), a subsidiary of Primark.

Eric Hahn,

Senior Vice President and General Manager, Server Products Division - 11/95.

Formerly founded and served as chief executive officer for Collabra Software

Ran the cc:Mail division of Lotus Development Corporation.

Vice President and General Manager of Convergent Technologies' Unix division.

Worked on Arpanet for Bolt, Beranek and Newman.

BS in computer science from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Mike Homer,

Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing - 10/94.

Formerly vice president of engineering at EO.

Vice President of Marketing at GO Corporation.

Director of Product Marketing for Apple's U.S. Division, and Director of Technical Markets.

BS from the University of California at Berkeley.

Roberta Katz,

Senior Vice President, Secretary, and General Counsel - 5/95.

Formerly senior vice president and general counsel of McCaw Cellular Communications and its subsidiary LIN Broadcasting Corporation.

Private practice with the firm Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe.

Worked as a cultural anthropologist prior to taking her law degree.

BA from Stanford University, MA from New York University, Ph.D. from Columbia University, and J.D. from the University of Washington School of Law.

Kandis Malefyt,

Senior Vice President, Human Resources - 12/94.

Formerly director of human resources at Silicon Graphics.

Vice President of Human Resources at ISI.

Served in various capacities with RCA.

BA from Harding University, MS from Antioch University.

Richard M. Schell,

Senior Vice President, Client Product Division - 10/94.

Formerly Vice President and General Manager of the Network Products and PC Tools Group in the Central Point Division of Symantec Corporation.

Vice President, Languages and dBase, at Borland International.

Manager for Programming Languages at Sun Microsystems.

Held various engineering and management positions at Intel Corporation.

BA in mathematics and computer science, MA and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois.

Jim Sha,

President and Chief Executive Officer of Actra, a subsidiary of Netscape - 8/94.

Formerly Vice President and General Manager of Integrated Applications at Netscape.

Vice President of the Unix Product Division at Oracle Corporation.

Vice President and General Manager of the Advanced Systems Division of Wyse Technology.

BSEE from Taiwan University, MSEE from University of California, Berkeley, MBA from Santa Clara University.

Created: 10/06/97
Updated: 11/09/02

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